Upcoming CreatorTools' Events
"Creating in Difficult Times" with Robert Fritz
Feb 8, 2025
at 1PM, ET
Webinar (Free)
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Feb 8, 2025
at 1PM, ET
As we enter into 2025, many of us all over the world may be experiencing stress and uncertainty, and that can sometimes make it difficult to stay in structural tension and continue to build the life we want. To offer some strategies to help us continue to create through uncertainty, we will be hosting a free webinar on February 8th, with Robert Fritz, the creator of our flagship course “Creating Your Life."
In this webinar, we’ll be covering how your orientation can affect outcomes, not just in difficult times but in your overall life experience and how we can continue to create and hold structural tension. This webinar is open to everyone! Feel free to share this invitation with anyone you feel would be interested. At the end of the webinar, we will be offering a special code to to receive a 15% discount off our Creating Your Life course.
The Living Art in Mexico
March 31 - April 6, 2025
A profound training in the creative process, The Living Art is a week-long workshop, where the depth of the creative process takes center stage. From March 31 – April 6, 2025, join us in beautiful San Miguel de Allende, for an experiential week that goes beyond any traditional workshops. Led by Robert Fritz, Rosalind Fritz, Katharina Schütze and Ira Sakolsky, this workshop will teach you the structural approach to the creative process, one that is fast, clear, and amazing. This learning will have profound impact on all of your life building processes. learn more
Fundamentals of Structural Thinking (FST)
April 24-27, 2025 | online
learn more
FST in Japan/Japanese:
February 22-24, 2025 | online
May 23-25, 2025 | Tokyo
Contact: info@robertfritzjapan.com
Structural Consulting Certification Program (SCCP) - online
Structural Consulting is a skill that takes time, practice, and training to gain competency. The SCCP is designed to develop mastery of Structural Consulting. Prerequisite: FST. Led by our certified structural consultants and trainers Kira Higgs and Katharina Schütze. learn more
Creating Your Life
Creating Your Life is three-month video based self-study course with best-selling author, award winning filmmaker, and business consultant Robert Fritz that helps you incorporate the principles of structural dynamics into your life. This course has evolved over the past 30 years and represents the absolute best way to learn how to create the life you want to live.
Each morning you begin your day with a short video lesson between 7 to 20 minutes long, with new lessons unlocking the day after the previous one was completed. These lessons start you off with easily achievable goals, eventually progressing to more complex and longer-term goals over time. The impact is accumulative as you gain more and more energy and creative ability while you progress through the course over the three-month period, and by the end of the course, you should have a complete life plan for the next five years and beyond.
Structural Consulting with Rosalind Fritz
Available by phone or in person, Rosalind offers a structural consulting session for the individual or couple. To discuss the possibility of having a session with Rosalind, email: seminars@robertfritz.com
New Videos by Robert Fritz
New Writings by Robert Fritz
We offer a range of programs in the creative process and structural dynamics, for individuals as well as for those that work within organizations. We also offer some programs that can be delivered in-house to organizations.
Schedule of ProgramsBooks & Products
As well as books by Robert Fritz and others, we are proud to offer a range of products designed to help individuals and organizations learn and master the principles of the creative process. These include videos, audio tapes and consulting tools.
Online BookshopWritings
This section contains a selection of articles on the creative process and structural dynamics by Robert Fritz as well as videos filmed and edited by Robert.